We take on entire development and design projects in the field of plastics and equipment technology. Starting from sketches, design specifications or existing drawings, we are able to turn your ideas and concepts into 3D designs in a very short time.

The individual components, assemblies or product lines that are created in this way make visualisation possible at an early stage, which allows the design to be evaluated and its functional principles to be tested.

With our extensive experience in the field of tool and mould construction, we ensure that issues concerning plastics processing are considered even at the design stage.

We use SolidWorks Version 2015 and 2016 for our development and design work, and we have all of the standard interfaces at our disposal.

Für Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsaufgaben steht uns dabei die SolidWorks Version 2015 und 2016 mit den allgemein üblichen Schnittstellen zur Verfügung.